Below you will find resources that support the textbooks used in class. If you have any further questions about these resources or how to access them, please contact your classroom teacher.
For information about how to access textbooks, please click here.
G Suite for Education
IUSD is excited to share that we are now a G Suite for Education school district. G Suite is a collection of online services created by Google that have been compiled specifically for use within our school district. The most notable service that you might recognize is Google Drive, which includes the ability to create and share documents, presentations, spreadsheets and more. Most importantly, as a tool designed for education, G Suite offers more privacy and student safety protections than Google’s general offerings and many other online resources.
This year, every student in the district will receive an IUSD Google Drive personal account which he/she will carry with them from year to year and school to school throughout their Irvine career. Teachers will provide student’s lessons in digital citizenship, to emphasize, model, and practice the importance of being good digital citizens