Eastwood Family STEAM Night

Leprechaun Hat
March 1, 2018

We are excited to host our first family STEAM night this Thursday, March 1st.  All Eastwood students and their families are welcome to join us for a wonderful evening of engineering and fun! The school will provide all of the materials for every child to build and decorate their very own leprechaun trap in honor of the month of March.  There will be a wide variety of materials so students AND parents can work together and decide on how complex and decorative their trap will be that night.


In addition to an awesome night of your family working together, there will be March themed games and a photo booth!

If you would like to join us for Family STEAM Night, please make sure to register! To ensure we have enough supplies, you must register by Monday, February 26th.  

Register Here: bit.ly/eastwoodsteamnight